jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Sandboarding in Peru, one of the favorite activities to do in a desert

CNN made ​​adventures relation unmissable. Also include camel racing (India) and trekking through the Sonoran Desert (USA), among other...


For some people it can be a monotonous landscape, but for others the desert represents a world able to offer exciting experiences, fun and full of adrenaline.

With regard to the variety of options you have to hang out in these places, the CNN website developed a relationship with eight of the most enjoyable activities you could do in these vast expanses of sand and where you could make, and one of its recommendations is to practice sandboarding in Usaka called Nasca desert.
Here you can experience the thrill of gliding across the sand in a draw, enjoy its impressive dunes and feel generous dose of adrenaline.
Besides sandboarding in the Peruvian desert, the publication recommends running across the sand in the desert Kubuqi (China), watch the horse races in Namibia, car go Lahbab dunes (United Arab Emirates), trekking in the desert Sonora (USA), hang gliding in Nevada (USA), enjoy camel racing in Thar (India) and driving ATVs in the desert of Sinai (Egypt).

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

looking get away from the big city: Meet the spectacular stone forest Cumbemayo in Cajamarca

This city is the perfect destination for travelers looking to get away from the big cities. The stone forest Cumbemayo is one of its attractions.

Cajamarca. Is an Andean city Cajamarca in northern Peru, capital of the Department and of the province of Cajamarca, located at 2720 m on the eastern slopes of the Andes, in the northern highlands of the country.

The climate is mild, dry and sunny in the day and cold at night. Rainfall is December to March and are presented with El Niño in cycles, which is a weather phenomenon in the tropical northern Peru.

"Cajamarca" is known for its colonial architecture and baroque, the city reflects the Spanish influence in the architecture of the Cathedral, the churches of San Francisco , Bethlehem and Recoleta, and two-story houses and gabled roof.

Also is the archaeological complex Cumbemayo remnant of ceremonial altars and pre-Inca aqueducts and the province of San Pablo, the ceremonial complex Kuntur also pre Inca, several plazas and platforms supported by stone walls large.
Remember we are waiting for u guys!...Be welcome!!!

TOP 5: The 5 best restaurants in Lima, according to the British newspaper "The Telegraph"

  The newspaper also said that Peru "creative chefs make use of indigenous ingredients little known".

Is a fact our cuisine is conquering the world and seems to have seduced and occasionally unperturbed England. And, in the capital after receiving three great representatives of our taste (restaurants Ceviche, Lima and Asia de Cuba), the European country is delighted with his new discovery: Peruvian food. Proof of this is that one of the most popular newspapers of the place, "The Telegraph", made ​​a list naming those who are for them the best restaurants in Lima.

First, the publication highlights Astrid & Gastón Acurio restaurant and his wife Astrid Gutsche. "This colorful and contemporary cornerstone of an empire (the Acurio) - you have to open branches throughout South America, continues to delight," says Andrew Purvis, author of the note.

Also on the list is Malabar, the jewel of San Isidro de Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, described as "minimalist". Then find Perroquet, the restaurant of the Country Club Lima Hotel, while fourth Mesa 18 is located, anchored at the Miraflores Park Hotel and commanded by Toshiro Konishi applauded.

Finally, "The Telegraph" appoints the prestigious Rafael, Rafael Osterling, "which serves an Peruvian fusion with Mediterranean influences."

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Huaytara: Meet the archaeological capital of Huancavelica

Huaytará is not only admired for its archaeological wealth but also for its natural beauty and ecological.

Huancavelica. Huaytará is a picturesque town, known as the archaeological capital of Huancavelica, according to oral tradition the word "Wayta" means flower, was added the suffix "raq" to denominate Waytaraq which means "flower" because it is the hope of his people .

The city is located Huaytará in Quechua to 2726 masl region, 215 km. Huancavelica city via Rumi Chaka (Liberators).

It has an area of 6458.39 km A population of 3.830 inhabitants. Its northern border Castrovirreyna, Huancavelica and Hangars, with Ica south-west, east to Ayacucho.
Huaytará is admired not only for its rich archeology but also for its natural beauty and ecological. Local attractions include:

Church of San Juan Bautista de Huaytará was built in the sixteenth century, on the basis of Inca architecture which can be seen in religious syncretism, which has called on prehispanic deities by Hispanic Christian images.

The archaeological complex of Inka Wasi (House of the Inca), located at 3804 masl and 25 km from the city of Huaytará (via the Libertadores - Km 136).

In this complex will find Inca temple or also known as Palace of the two windows, the Inca Baths, Ushnu, housing, the administrative and Kancha.

This palace has been declared a national cultural heritage. Located 5 minutes from the main square Huaytará.

The Museum of Archaeology "Samuel Humberto Espinoza" of Huaytará.En this museum you will find a wealth varied and important textile and craft found in archaeological sites in the province. Visitors should not forget to visit this important museum.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Someone said DRINKS: an application that will show you the best bars in Lima

The most unique and notorious bars for different reasons, its location, its decor, its aesthetics, its range, its specialty, dotting the districts of the capital.

U can find this in Mapcity the site, the first network geososocial of Peru, also has a channel devoted to showing the location of the most sought after and frequented bars in the city of Lima.

Those seeking different options for the night in Lima now also found in the new channel Mapcity "Quick Bar" that selects the most sought bars, visited and noted for their supply and variety. This new entertainment channel will place at the following address.


REMEMBER drink in moderation and if you DRINK DON DRIVE!!!

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

TAKE NOTE: 8 tips to make your bag for a good travel

Well my friends  if in some of  your travels away from home, your bag will be your faithful companion. Here are some tips as far as luggage is concerned.

1. Choosing the bag that you will carry on your journey is essential. Obviously the size of this will depend on how many days to be spent in your destination, but, in general, we recommend carrying a cloth bag and not a hardcover. Besides damaged less if buying more is always easier to make things come into this kind of baggage. If it has a fastener to expand the size, the better.

2. Tie to your suitcase tape any bright color or anything that facilitates that you find when you go to pick it up.

3. If you bring liquids or gels (such as shampoo, cologne, etc..), Always pack them in plastic bags and toiletry possible in that kept isolated from the rest of your stuff. This will avoid unpleasant accidents.

4. Weigh your luggage before leaving the airport, especially when returning. If you excediste with weight allowed by the airline might give you time to accommodate some things and take them as hand luggage or outright accept that you'll pay more. Please note that most airlines allow you to bring in economy class a piece not exceeding 8 kilos, plus a personal item such as a purse, briefcase or your notebook bag baby.

5. Try carrying a briefcase or backpack extra suitcase. Besides not take up much space, you could use it as hand luggage if you decide to return or make a short trip duante your cruise.

6. When space is the problem one has to contrive. Try not to carry boxes, get what you bought and acomódalo and if unavoidable, you can always get them open and some items, such as clothing. Getting to travel that occupies more space (like boots or bulky jackets) is also a good idea. Also, remember that many times do not have to bring towels, bulky items. Most hotels and all-inclusive resorts on the beach will provide.

7. The weakest elements surround the clothing is also a good idea to protect them. Buyer crafts, for example, always empácalas paper. In addition, some airlines can say, when you register your suitcase, you wear delicate things in your luggage to bring him a sign so specifies.

8. Try to keep valuables such as computers and money with you. Also, you should bear in mind that your luggage is lost, unfortunately, a possibility, so bring your basics in hand luggage never hurts.

I hope it helps you my friends!...

Matucana: Ideal for nature and adventure tourism

At the scene, dominated by natural reserves, scenic resources and archaeological sites of important cultural monument.
 Lima. Ideal place to practice hiking, adventure travel and nature, dominated by natural reserves, scenic resources and archaeological sites of important cultural monument.

Matucana is 1 hour and 20 minutes east of Lima, and paved dirt road, you can visit the waterfall Antancallo which is one hour.

The walk starts at Plaza Grau and runs beautiful spots like valley of Olives, where you can buy fresh milk and delicious cheeses, the nearest services are located around the Plaza Miguel Grau, light clothing is recommended in the day and warm clothing for the night.

Road to Antankallo cascades (2 hour drive up from Matucana) shows a beautiful countryside surrounded by apple and fig trees, hills in the shape of a lion's head and the face of Christ, the shepherds overnight caves in the area, a suspension bridge and especially the warmth of its people.

When you reach the waterfall you can swim in its base. About ten minutes earlier you get to the waterfall known as Cambo slide.

On the way back you can buy fresh milk in the barn that is on the way. Visit Matucana, enjoy it.
Details: Matucana is 1 hour and 20 minutes east of Lima.
Source: Peru.com
Thanks and remember BE WELCOME!!!

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Cusco: 5 spectacular trekking routes such as the Inca Trail

LETS TRY!!!:  Prestigious luxury travel magazine "Condé Nast Traveler" prepared a selection options if travelers can not make the trek to Machu Picchu famous
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is considered by experts one of the most spectacular trekking routes in the world. However, not all visitors who come to Cusco to hike the famous lucky enough to make this unforgettable journey on foot amidst breathtaking natural landscapes and archaeological remains. And that is to protect and preserve this important legacy of our ancestors of the high demand the number of people who can access daily to the road network is limited. So much so that sometimes you have to make reservations weeks in release.Thinking of all the visitors who come to the Imperial City to enjoy the history, culture and adventure, the prestigious luxury travel magazine "Condé Nast Traveler" prepared a list of five trekking routes in Cusco as spectacular as the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. A selection that travelers trying not left with honey on the lips (not like walking):

1. - Camino del Apu Ausangate: Five days of trekking in the midst of a spectacular natural setting and amazing views of towering mountains. "Wait grueling days and nights comfortable" says "Condé Nast Traveler", suggesting contact "Andean Lodges".

2. - Choquequirao: A demanding hike that is rewarded with the arrival to the archaeological complex of Choquequirao. Complicating the accessories can only be reached on foot, makes these archaeological remains are still little visited, so it is unusual cross other adventurers along the way. This five-day trekking round trip.

3. - Salkantay: Stunning five-day route through the heights at which the visitor appreciate closely the mountain peaks and has the famous citadel of Machu Picchu as a highlight. "Condé Nast Traveler" recommends contacting "Mountain Lodges of Peru."

4. - Lares: Path where you can enjoy hot springs and beautiful valleys and dazzle with textiles made by local people. The publication notes that companies offer hikes of 3 or 5 days G Adventures and even offers the option to complete the adventure in Machu Picchu.

5. - Quebrada of parrots: "If you are a walker most of the day, the Sacred Valley is full of opportunities like this," writes the author of the note, adding that this route starts at the top of Chinchero and ends in the town of Urquillos.What do you recommend trekking route in Cusco?


Oficial information HERE

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Perú was chosen the best dining destination in South America

Our country beat Chile, Brazil and Argentina in this category of the famed World Travel Awards
Is a fact our gastronomy is reaping adherents worldwide. Proof of this is that it has just been recognized the best culinary destination in South America by the prestigious World Travel Awards, considered the 'Oscar' of the tourist industry.

This category also competed Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

"It is an opportunity to thank the people who voted for Peru and Peruvians that make our country is recognized as a culinary destination," said the director of special projects for Prom-Peru, Liz Chuecas, during the awards ceremony, which was held last Saturday in the Hotel and Resort in the Turks and Caicos.

 The airport Jorge Chavez was elected the best in South America, while the Marriott Hotel in Lima was named the Best Business Hotel.

Sign in here to the list of winners of the World Travel Awards.
And for you which is the best Peruvian dish? ... what would you like to try?...expect your comments!!!!

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Time to relax: The variety of thermal baths in Peru!

Here are five options to take a dip in hot water.

For the high temperature and loading precautions are minerals.
1. SAN MATEO  Located just minutes from the city of Moyobamba. The water temperature, recommended for its therapeutic properties, exceeds 40 degrees. But the resort also has fresh water pools.

2. CACHICADAN   It is located in the province of Santiago de Chuco, 180 kilometers from the city of Trujillo. It is a little known destination within the Route Moche, but worth a stop here. It is also a good opportunity to meet the birthplace of the poet César Vallejo.

3. HUANCAHUASI   The route to get here is long and demanding. First you get to Churín, located 200 kilometers from Lima, and then continue about 28 kilometers to Huancahuasi. Nearby is located Picoy (about 10 kilometers), people also has some nice hot springs. We recommend visiting both.

4. LUICHO If traveling Cotahuasi Canyon, Arequipa, should not ignore this place. The thermal baths of Luicho are conducive to take a rest, considering how demanding the route.
5. MONTERREY This resort is located five minutes from the city of Huaraz. Well you can take a taxi or collective few soles. It is ideal to relax and enjoy their healing properties. The water temperature is usually very high, as it can reach 48 or 49 degrees.

MORE DETAILS  Looking for alternatives baths? Here are three more!!!.
1. COLLPA Its waters are rich in minerals such as iron, sodium and manganese, and above 50 degrees. A 90 km Huaral. It is a popular place for those seeking relief from various ailments. Given that is more than 3000 meters high, it is recommended to take precautions to avoid altitude sickness.
2. COLCAMAYO  A busy place and appreciated by the tourists who visit. It is located very close to the Santa Teresa district, almost on the banks of the Urubamba River. While it suffered some damage during the floods in 2010, has been restored and relaunched.

3. MARCAPATA 2000 is 800 meters high, about four hours from the city of Cusco. This resort is open all year and the visit can be supplemented with activities like camping, trekking, bird watching, among others.


Know the majestic snowcapped Chacas in E Callejón de Huaylas (VIDEO)

The city is surrounded by majestic Chacas mountains and lakes, located in the Huaylas. Worth a visit.
Chacas. Chacas, founded as San Martín de Chacas, is a city in the Huaylas in the Ancash region. It has an urban population of 2082 inhabitants located at an average altitude of 3359 meters.

Among its main attractions is the Plaza de Armas, surrounded by beautiful architecture which highlight the local municipal balconies and all the houses located on the perimeter.

Mama Ashu Sanctuary is another attraction frequented by visitors. It has the classic structure with double bell with fine carving and stained glass door at the top of the facade.

Patarcocha Lagoon is a must, of glacial origin located at the head of Chacas, at close range, must for school trips and family treaking.

Among its most important holidays are Easter, the Tourism Week, the celebration in honor of Our Lady of the Assumption, the feast of Don Bosco Artisans in honor of St. John Bosco and the patronal feast of San Martin de Porres, in the neighborhood of the same name.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Cusco: Sibinacocha, dreamy landscapes and adventure at the foot of the glacier Quelccaya

Chronicle of a trip to this wonderful water mirror, where three athletes broke world records in Peruvian Stand-up Paddle and kite...
My friends here is a great option for try new things about tourism in my country, something new and amazing!...remember BE WELCOME!!!!

"For those who love of travel and adrenaline, each issue is a new adventure". This time the slogan was to share the journey with three great sportsmen Alvaro Bedoya, Raul Delgado and Jose 'Jarita' Gomez-his attempt to set the world altitude record for rowing in Stand-up Paddle and kitesurfing are among disciplines the newest and most popular adventure sports, "writes Carlos Muñiz in the latest installment of the blog Pura Aventura.

The venue for this challenge was Sibinacocha lagoon (4869 masl), a water surface of 33 km2 at the foot of the glacier Quelccaya. After telling the various obstacles that had to overcome on the way to Sibinacocha, Muniz describes the wonderful scenery that accompanies the adventurers: a colorful sunrise, breathtaking mountains and birds that make their lives unperturbed by the presence of strangers.

In the end, the expedition ended with the celebration of the three Peruvians who saw his effort was rewarded with record amid a great natural setting.

Moore information HERE Read the article and see the photos.
SOURCE: Diario El comercio. Thanks!

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012


HELLO GUYS im sorry for being absent this week but it was for a good reason I obtained my degree in journalism' im very happy and wanted to share with you! ... Do not worry that I'm starting to write about an excellent road that you can do in my country ! ... coming soon!..Thanks a lot!

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Chachapoyas! beautiful earth land of orchids, sugar cane and coffee.

My Friends i want to wish a very 
 HAPPY DAY to Chachapoyas! ...
Beautiful  earth, land of orchids, sugar cane and coffee, cockfighting and exquisite food, land where the fog landscape becomes confused with the Puma Urco hill. This beautiful city was founded in 1538 and for its beauty and rich history worth a Peru.

Remember: Be WELCOME!!!...we are waiting for u guys!!!

5 boat trips you can do in Peru

Know the major excursions that sail seas, lakes and rivers in our country's varied landscapes...

1. Ballestas Islands in Paracas
The magic of the Ballestas Islands in their wild nature and its ancient formations. To learn more and watch the animals in their habitat, we recommend taking one of the boats that leave the ports of the spa. The tour lasts two hours and begins in the morning.

Very close to the beaches of La Punta is a group of islands that attract a large population of sea lions and seabirds. To get to the Palomino Islands there are several companies offering boat tours of various sizes per day. This heavenly place is one of the main attractions of Callao.

In Pacaya Samiria
The boats of Delfin Amazon Cruises will take you on a five-star hotel to sail the Amazon tributaries to the Pacaya Samiria with great service and luxury boats available for nightly visits to the jungle, bird watching and hiking the forest.

4. WHALE WATCHING north Coast
Pacific Adventures is a tour operator that offers the possibility of sightings of humpback whales in the coastal piurano August to October. Once a day depart from the district of the organs, in a tour that includes the Cabo Blanco.

5. IN THE AMAZON Jungle Cruise
In Pacaya Samiria, luxury sailing down the river. The company Aqua Expeditions crosses the Amazon River in luxurious vessels in walks three to seven nights. Each part of the cruise the scenic overlooks. You reach Iquitos and depending on the time, leaving the port of Nauta and Iquitos.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Be captivated by the natural charm of Los Manglares of Tumbes

Los Manglares are located two hours from Piura to Mancora resort and has a rich fauna and flora.

Tumbes. The mangroves of Tumbes National Sanctuary is a protected area by the state since 1988 and is considered one of the most fascinating destinations landscape of northern Peru.

The entrance is by Puerto Pizarro fishing village located 13 kilometers from the city of Tumbes. There you can rent a boat and hire a guide for touring the area.

This forest also provides refuge for over 200 species of birds among which the osprey and frigate bird, one of the characteristics of the site.

In this sanctuary are protected wildlife species in serious danger of extinction, such as the neotropical otter river or small wolf and the American crocodile, which have been intense and indiscriminately hunted by the high demand for their skins on the market black.

Mangroves prevent soil erosion and protect the valley flood Tumbes, however these plants have been preyed ruthlessly, which warrants an urgent reforestation.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Discover the picturesque village of Catacaos always warm in Piura

In Piura there is a crafts center well known for the quality of their work and that this town cultivates tradition from generation to generation.

Catacaos, is considered the traditional capital of this department. This picturesque village is 12 km. city ​​of Piura, is mainly rooted in the culture Tallan and is characterized by the production of cotton, extremely quoted both at home and abroad.
Catacaos Something is very characteristic of the innate ability of the artisans who do work in gold and silver, as well as straw, wood, leather, garments coveted by mud and hundreds of domestic and foreign tourists who come to this sunny land.

Its main attraction is the tourist and historic Commerce Street, the main artery which seniority than two centuries has hosted thousands of merchants who have sold their products mainly straw and reed.

Catacaos is also known for its pleasant dining. The points are required picanterías of locals and visitors. Among his most famous dishes are ceviche, the malarrabia, the chabelo dry, soup and their famous boyfriends chicha, a fermented drink from a maize.
Source: Peru.com (thanks)

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Ica: Adventurous deserts, beautiful beaches and the magic of pisco

The city of Ica, just 4 hours from Lima, offers to anyone who visits a multitude of attractions that leave him happy.

 Ica offers the tourist beaches, diverse marine wildlife, excellent museums and site hosting services to the extent of every budget.

Between its main attractions is its the wonderful  Plaza de Armas, the historic Huacachina lagoon, where you can take a ride on the paddleboats and enjoy a quiet day.

The surrounding dunes are other interesting and entertaining destinations of this wonderful place, you can do the tour on foot or in buggies that offer this service.

Ica is also recognized for its pisco and wine cellars, if you dare to learn more about the process of preparation you can do so by visiting any of these wineries and advantage in taking any of these products.

The local cuisine is varied, among the most outstanding dishes are the turtle soup and carapulcra. Be sure to try your shingles and traditional cookies.
Remember the automatic subtitles are available in your language...Be Welcome!!!

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Peru Empire of Hidden Treasures: videos in english!

My friends...here are the videos in English for the tourism campaign  in my country that i wrote yesterday...IN ENGLISH, ENJOY IT!!!..and remember BE WELCOME!!!
A bonus...

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Perú: dont watch the movie, live it!!!

"Peru, Empire of hidden treasures"...hi guys, I present the videos created to continue the tourism campaign of my dear and beautiful country, hope you like!!!...




lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Sayan, the land of sun and alfajores

Lucinda Lumbre Nava offers behind the counter of Lumbre Sweets, the candy store that for 108 years working in downtown Sayan, a knowing smile with gluttony. Doña Lucinda inherited this local  with her three brothers, but it is she who still cultivates the kind treatment of his mother, Mrs. Santos Vargas of Lumbre, who on January 7, 1904 began selling among friends who prepared alfajores.Over time, this business idea would give Sayan fame of being a master confectioners district. Today there are other places in the district, each with a particular feature. So in the bakery El Perro chancay sell a tasty bread, and Sayan's sun panetón test is recommended. The circuit of visits by dulcerías complements tasting dishes like "ceviche de pato", "picante de cuy", "pachamanca a la olla", "seco de cabrito" and "conejo en rocoto".In the center of Sayan Generalissimo visit the Municipal Museum of San Martín José exhibiting prehispanic pieces. The museum was conditioned on the property that inhabited the Argentine liberator and national hero José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, better known as El Perro.

Horse farms The stud farm or horse farms, located along the road to Sayan, are another attraction of the district, although the circuit haras available for the visit to the public yet to be consolidated. However, in most of these premises are accepted views, notice, although one is not a potential buyer.To visit the haras Gina must apply for membership through their website. The procedure is worthwhile. Horses that are in the field are close to one as if they were puppies tender. It is also possible to know the stables.

CLUBHOUSE If you have mobility, do not miss the old hacienda Quipico and adjacent archaeological site of the same name. The landscape consists of extensive adjacent fields of sugar cane. Among The Hills clubhouse, located at km 21 of the Rio Seco-Sayan road, is a good choice for visiting family and extend to more than a day's visit to Sayan. Country is a place where plus all the comforts of a club (bungalows, pools, parks, sports fields and areas for grills), there is an artificial lake, a mini zoo and a dozen lovely ponies.

REMEMBER: always travel safety, be aware of the options u have for visit this places!...Hope u like it!!!!

Source: El comercil newspaper. Thanks!