martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

The Amazon is officially one of the 7 natural wonders of the world

New 7 Wonders Foundation was officially recognized in the Amazon River, at a ceremony attended by President Ollanta Humala

The Amazon was recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world in a ceremony held in the Amazon River and attended by President Ollanta Humala and various national and regional authorities and representatives of the New 7 Wonders Foundation .

Bernard Weber, president of the New 7 Wonders Foundation, said that this official recognition of the Amazon "is now positioned at the beginning of the third millennium, and is part of the global memory all seven places on our planet can remember."

For his part, Humala said that "as a Peruvian I am proud to have in our territory as the Amazon region (...) a land that has contributed greatly to the development of the country and the country has to make a reconnaissance of this beautiful region ".

The president also noted that the responsibility "to lead up to the Amazon is not only in Peru but of all the peoples of South America are blessed" to be part of this region.

Finally, the head of state said that Peruvians are committed to value this marvel, and invited tourists from around the world to come to the country because here "receive them as brothers and with the joy of this blessed land."

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