miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

EATING IN PERÚ: The favorite Peruvian dishes for tourist

Here I leave a long report on Peruvian food, and most foreigners like to come to know more about our culture and cuisine ... I regret that the note is so long, but is that about Peruvian food can write books and thousands of books
According to the connoisseurs, the Peruvian Cuisine is the best of Latin America, alongside the French and the Chinese cuisines. It is not only known for its exquisite taste, but also for its variety.

The culinary history of Peru goes back to the Pre-Inca and Inca times with original products such as the potato and corn, which constitute great contributions to the World.
Recent opinions of experts in the culinary art, corroborate the excellence of our cuisine. Patrick Martin, Academic Director of the famous gastronomic School: Le Cordon Blue of Paris, France, recently visited one of its branches in Lima. He was quoted as saying: "one of the reasons why we have a school here is the excellent quality of the Peruvian cuisine, which I love". Let's hear more opinions:
"... In this land where ceviche was invented, this was the best I'd ever had-the beginning of a sublime week of dining...". Gary Lee from the Washington Post, describing his recent trip to Peru.

"... Peruvian cuisine is incredibly varied and accomplished, for many travelers an exciting and delicious surprise. It is among the best and most diverse cuisines found in Latin America...". Neil E. Schlecht. Frommer's Guide of Peru.
"... Peruvian cuisine is exceptionally good and surpringly unknown. Food lovers visiting for the first time are in for a wonderful surprise...". Peru's Lonely Planet. 2004 Edition.

Jonathan M. Leonard, author of the well known book: Latin American Cooking of Time-Life, also says that the peruvian cuisine is the best of Latin America.
Conde Nast Traveler (April 2003) says: No country in South America cooks like Peru and Lima is the gastronomic heart.

The renowned magazine Gourmet (august 2006) in an article of eleven pages talks about the delicious and varied Peruvian cousine. The best known chef of the country, Gaston Acurio is quoted as saying: in another 10 years, Lima will be like Paris, people will come here to eat.
Finally, TIME (October 12, 2009) says that the restaurants in Lima have help turn the capital into a legitimate destination for gourmets. The same article mentions that with the aperture of differents Peruvian restaurants in different countries, the people in these countries are appreciating the delicious Peruvian cousine.

We don't have any doubt, you will agree with these and many others connoisseurs, once you taste the mouth-watering peruvian dishes.

Recipes such as cebiche (raw fish marinated in lemon juice), pachamanca (meat and vegetables cooked underground), chupe de camarones (shrimp soup), ají de gallina (spicy chicken) and juane (cornmash pastries) are just a few of the mouth-watering dishes served in Peru are due to two reasons. The quality and variety of dishes in Peru due to two reasons.
The first is Peru's ecological and climatic diversity which has given rise to a major supply of fresh produce that satisfy not only the housewife but also the most demanding chef.

The rich Peruvian fishing grounds abound in fish and shellfish species. The heart of the succulent coastal gastronomy such as rice, fowl and goat are the key ingredients of Peru's north coastal cooking. In the Andes, meanwhile ingredients such as the potato and sweetcorn in all its varieties along with cuy (guinea pig) and aji chili pepper are the basis of highland cooking. The jungle adds its own touch with wild game and a side serving of fried banana and manioc root. Local fruit varieties such as chirimoya (custard apple) and lucuma produce incomparable deserts.

The second reason is the rich mix of Western and Easter cultural traditions. Over the course of centuries, Peru has felt the influence os Spain in its stews and soups, Arab sweets and desserts, African contributions to Creole cooking, Italian pastas, Japanese preparations of fish and shellfish and Chinese culinary methods, which have given birth to one of the most popular gastronomic tradition in Peru: chifa. The originality of Peru's cuisine stems not just from its traditional cooking, but it also continues to incorporate new influences, preparing exquisite and impeccable dishes that have been dubbed the New Peruvian Cuisine.

TIP: I recommend eating at the central markets of the cities they visit, because in these places reveal it s food source in total, and our famous rstaurantes is a merger that is normal at this time ... ENJOY

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