martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Perú was chosen the best dining destination in South America

Our country beat Chile, Brazil and Argentina in this category of the famed World Travel Awards
Is a fact our gastronomy is reaping adherents worldwide. Proof of this is that it has just been recognized the best culinary destination in South America by the prestigious World Travel Awards, considered the 'Oscar' of the tourist industry.

This category also competed Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

"It is an opportunity to thank the people who voted for Peru and Peruvians that make our country is recognized as a culinary destination," said the director of special projects for Prom-Peru, Liz Chuecas, during the awards ceremony, which was held last Saturday in the Hotel and Resort in the Turks and Caicos.

 The airport Jorge Chavez was elected the best in South America, while the Marriott Hotel in Lima was named the Best Business Hotel.

Sign in here to the list of winners of the World Travel Awards.
And for you which is the best Peruvian dish? ... what would you like to try?...expect your comments!!!!

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