Hello my friends, this day could not stop to say hello and tell you that today we celebrate the Day of Ceviche in my country, needless to say is a 100% Peruvian dish!!!
Just as the fantastic Inca fortresses are known as part of the identity of our country and swell the chest with pride, ceviche also an opportunity to shout from the 4 winds our Peruvian.
And is that a simple mixture of seafood, onion, pepper and lemon juice has become a pleasure for the palate on the planet. From Peru to the world, ceviche has given pride of place to our cuisine.
So last year was given its well-deserved day. June 28 is the Day of Ceviche, the day we celebrate our most famous dish. Sea fish or mixed, the taste of our signature dish gives to be proud. Celebrate.
Some celebrations
So great devotion deserved a day of celebration, so since 2008 every June 28 Peru celebrates the day of ceviche that as each year comes loaded with a large number of activities. Here are some.
Every year the Marine Restaurant Association and Allied Workers of Peru (armap) has organized the Gastronomic Festival "Ceviche Peru", which in its fourth edition will bring together 48 specialized restaurants.
The event runs through July 1 and will be attended by Peruvian chefs who live in Chile, Spain and USA. Address: North Plaza Shopping Center, Independence.
I must say that prepare the ceviche is very easy, which makes it so special is that you put the ingredients and the heart that when we prepare, there is no better lemon pepper or the Peruvian honestly!
for 4-1kg.de -1 fish of your choice chopped celery, cilantro quarter rate-crushed garlic, chopped leaves - chopped aji mirasol, aji limo-chopped ginger juice, two tablespoons lemon juice, broth 12 fish-spice-sweet-corn boiled-boiled lettuce leaves, chopped onion, julienned
1 Preparaciónse pike in fish 3cm.de trosos to seamlessly blend the ingredients, season ..
2 presentaciónen a plate of lettuce put aside the sweet potato and corn, then a bit of onion in the center of the plate and prepared, then throw some onion on top and decorate with a sheet of red chili. .
Here is a video of the preparation of a traditional ceviche of Peru's for the most famous peruvian chef in the world, Gaston Acurio!...Let me know how it goes please!