miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

climbing festival in Perú: we are waiting for u and ur talent

The Callejon de Huaylas, which in Quechua means "meadow" is the ideal place not only to seek adventure, but to feel and appreciate the natural landscape of the Andes, as well as tour the Huascaran National Park and the stunning lagoons Llanganuco, and relax in the hot springs.

This passageway extends to form a narrow and picturesque valley about 180 km. length (measured between Cátac and Huallanca). Many of its summits are spectacular and breathtakingly beautiful. The Huascaran is one of the best known. The city of Huaraz is the center of the Callejon de Huaylas and serves as a base for almost all tours to the cities of Carhuaz, Yungay, Caraz, among others.

here on this link you can find all the necessary information about this festival that will take over the Cordillera Blanca econtrarme with you ... I hope my dear friends and followers of my very amateur blog! .. and remember the fun and wants Peru !
I leave a video about the beauty of our huaraz...REGARDS!!!!

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