miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

CHRONIC: A spectacular safari in the jungle of Iquitos - Perú

Iquitos is not just the endless nights of festival where one can walk into a disco club indefinitely. It is not only a picturesque city where one can find buildings that tell the story of the rubber boom of the early twentieth century. It is not just to walk to see the iron house designed by Gustave Eiffel or the Plaza Hotel, now occupied by the military and soon to be shown off to accommodate tourists again. Travel to Iquitos is to recover that contact with nature that we have lost.We boarded a boat in 45 minutes takes us to the Amazon Sinchikuy Lodge, which will be our starting point for the search you do in the jungle Loreto. This is not a hunt, do not think evil is the pursuit of animals that normally would not see. And we have to learn to see.

PINK DOLPHIN SEARCHF rom the lodge we made a 15 minute ride to an area presumed to be full of pink dolphins. It is difficult to see especially when the river is falling and in this time of year, so you need to have a good eye and wait patiently for about an hour and a half, but the spectacle of seeing them move gracefully on the water worthwhile.The pattern is repeated throughout the forest.

It is not just to go, camera in hand, ready to shoot at the first hint of movement. In the jungle everything moves, everything sounds. On a morning tour to view birds, from carpenters to yellow breasts locals call "Victor Diaz" by the sound of their singing is clear: they move away from predators such as humans.

We must be ready to fire the camera at the first sign of their presence.The experience of seeking animals in their natural habitat is spectacular. But plants also find: a walk through a swamp takes us to see a copy of Ceiba must be like 500 years. These specimens are so great that, sometimes, inside, there are colonies of bats. In other trees, while we can see termite nests that are occupied by birds.THE SHELTER NeicerInterestingly we have seen few mammals: perhaps a few monkeys and a sloth that was carrying a girl in one of the villages through which we passed. But to appease our curiosity animal is the animal shelter Néicer Bustamante Ruiz, a resident who decided one day to shelter the animals that are seized by the authorities.Néicer is a type of soft-spoken and distracted gaze was associated with INRENA to provide shelter, so far, 18 animals, including primates, birds, turtles and an anaconda, which protects the last three years. In the hostel one can have direct contact with these animals and feel the 'tender' embrace of the queen of serpents.HAVE A SON, WRITE A BOOKThe experience of living in the jungle culminates in the territory of the native community of Nuevo Peru, ethnic yawa: land that has been deforested and that tourists should approach planting a tree.I planted a red cedar in the middle of a forest that is ready to receive the title of Natural Wonder. I need to have a child and write a book. Perhaps the book has some of the scenes I've seen in these three days I met a jungle that does not give up despite the fury of floods.*

"PromPerú" http://elcomercio.pe/tag/775/promperu campaign is offering tour packages to encourage visits to the Amazon. You can find more information HERE.You can find more information about this destination Let's edition this week

Source: El Comercio (Newapaper)

Hope u like it!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. The Amazon is preparing to receive the title of Natural Wonder. Embark on an unforgettable journey here for his landscapes and species known to inhabit
