miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012



Hi guys, for me that "GUYS" is for those who read my blog, which like it or not, which aims to wonder what the hell this girl wants, today I took a moment to write and thank you for view this blog either by a fraction of seconds or a full hour.

I tell them that this blog started because I asked a task in class, but really I must say that I intend to continue for too long or at least until I get bored jajaja! :)

The main idea of ​​the blog was to talk about things that pass in my life, a more personal than facebook wall, ,not as popular, actually write about things I wanted you to know my vidsa, but this was gradually disappearing, now my only purpose is that you know of my country through the lines that I present.
Well today I'll do what what i wanted to do long time ago, appear before you, I am a 25 year old girl, just turned (look at the picture: yes, my mom and me), still accept gifts. I love music and dancing, Latin pure, I studied journalism and specializes in Graphic Journalism, work in an artistic photography studio for almost a month and i dream with travel around my country and around the world, to see if anyone wants to joing me and saved on costs. Come On!!!...advenure, i sleep well!

I am a dreamer to die, I believe in the beauty, love, I am of those who raise my voice and say: YES, I can live with just love, dont need to eat for live, just need to love, i adore animals, i have one dog, her name is thara, shes the litgh of my hause and my mom....i have a lots of ideas in my mind and try to find the way to making happen, so if u are reading these and u want to help me, just do it! jajaja!!!...

I have a twitter acount: @iss_a, is working good, i write about news in all the world, and i try to making interesting, i have like 28 followers hahaha, all i need. I dont have a boyfriend, single forever!..it works better for me!..i hate screams, bad looks, people how pretends to be judges and gossips, trust me im a little weird girl!...

Purposes of my life

*live as cool as possible, with or without money
*Have my family good and together
*Complete the Inca Trail at least once in my life, i fail the first time, not even complete the first mile  *have a baby and raise him in nature, not neesariamente hippie, but green
*Travel around Greece and England  (it is something that has been in my mind a long time)
*See a lot of films
*That you read this
*Drink and party a lot with all the world
*learn to speak French
*Have an animal shelter
*full 24 hours sleep
*Go to see Perú to football world cup
*laugh hard or at least until it hurts your stomach and more ...

 Well i think thats a part of me, that i can tell u, its so much to say, i belive in god, i thnikin is somebody there watching me...i dont watch tv, i love on reality tv show and i prefer flat shoes!...and i do tell the most boring jokes ever!..

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