miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Meet the Playa de las Butterflies in Rioja-Perú

The river Aguas Verdes is one of the tributaries of the river is born in May and wet forests of the Alto Mayo, in his walk is a beach where you can see hundreds of butterflies. San Martin. Butterfly Beach is located in the district of Aguas Verdes, about 45 km from Rioja, Fernando Belaunde Highway. This beach is located on the banks of the River Aguas Verdes, in the Forest of Alto Mayo Protection. The basin of this river gives us a stunning landscape with ancient trees and waterfalls. Finally the union of Aguas Verdes and Serrano river Yacu form two kilometers down the Mayo River.
There are many resorts to make this route, I recommend, The YUCAMAMA resort,  this link yucamama resort will have all the information needed to make this trip. Remember at last is your choice to choose the best for you.
Distances from other cities
 • Just 12 km from the city of La Rioja, 10 minutes by motor vehicles (Motorcycles, Cars, Buses, etc.).
• 35 km from the city of Moyobamba, 40 minutes by motorized vehicles. Getting to Yacumama
• By plane through the airport in Tarapoto. - There are daily flights Lima - Tarapoto, lasting 45 minutes, after Rioja Tarapoto to completely paved road the journey is 2 hours. In about 3 ½ hours will be in the heart of the Alto Mayo.
• Across the road F. Belaunde Terry. - The Pan American Highway runs along the Peruvian coast and joins Highway F. Belaunde Terry Elms, near Chiclayo. If parts from Lima the journey can take 22 hours approx. if you leave 15 hours Trujillo and Chiclayo if you leave 12 hours. For many this tour may seem boring, but do not forget that it is a way to see inside our country, especially as to reach the Alto Mayo intersect the three natural regions, coast, mountain and forest.

I hope u can come and enjoy it..let me know what u think!...Have Fun!

Source: Sin Limites, Peru.com

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