miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Visit the Temple of Cerro Sechin in Ancash

Hello friends, I must apologize for having been so many days without writing, I'm sorry, but I've had a very difícles exams, I told you that I'm trying to get my degree and is very tedious...i dont like it! hahaha!...well i keep taking tests all this week, but i want to write u about a place i want to go, after i finish my degree..read it, and if u like it, u can be my traveling companions

The archaeological site of Sechin is located in the department of Ancash province of Casma and 5 kilometers from the town of that name. Ancash. The Temple of Cerro Sechin is one of the most important archaeological monuments of Peru, because of their age, architectural beauty and cultural content. Luce, like few others, a facade built with stone slabs engraved with motifs suggestive of warriors in procession, whose meaning is not yet fully defined. Decorate all around the Main Building. The prints lithos were placed interspersed with some great performances of Warriors / Priests stacks of 3 or less with representations of human remains.
For the archaeologist Lorenzo Samaniego these reliefs show a double procession of characters from a gate made ​​of 2 monoliths supporting a lintel engraved in the center of the south wall and head for another portico, located in the center of the north wall, and interspersed, as already mentioned, are the prints that represent human remains (arms, legs, heads, bodies sectioned vertebrae and viscera) as if they were spread on the floor, recreating a picture of deep drama and horror. In this procession there are no figures of gods, demigods and mythical animals, only men.

Source: Peru.com (website). Thanks!

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