jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Tourism in Peru: how to recognize if a travel agency is formal?

Hi guys here i leave a note on how to recognize a legal and a good travel agency, remember that twe what that u have an excellent experience while you stay on our country ... I hope they serve to help and to come soon! ... if you have any questions, feel free to leave comments.

What we need to consider before hiring a tour? If you want to leave home and enjoy a relaxing time away from home. There are days when, in the company of family or friends-are useful to know new cities and explore its tourist attractions, and for that many times are we going to an agency to handle the tours. Before hiring a service must be sure that our choice would be good and do not run risk of being deceived or cheated us. How to recognize which agencies are formal and which ones are not? "What any user should have in mind is that the agency has a municipal license and registration with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur). These are certificates that are displayed to the public by a legal nature, "said Publio Santander, president of the Peruvian Association of Travel and Tourism (APAVIT). With these two licenses users will have the certainty that will be able to raise a claim for bad service or breach of contract. So what happens if agencies are licensed only local but not the corresponding Dircetur? "These agencies are not necessarily formal and could not respond in the event that the client wishes to file a claim," he explains in dialogue with elcomercio.pe.

This LINK will be very helpful....ENJOY!

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